Standards of batteries

Up to today, a standard reference for evaluating the parameters of a storage system was impossible.

In fact, we could not compare key features, such as the duration, efficiency, the possibility of recycling, etc…

A comparison will be possible

This was due to the fact that producers themselves chose the way to declare the characteristics of their products.

This applies both to stationary batteries (accumulators) and to those used in the electric vehicle (EV) sector.

Today, however, through the Joint Research Center (JRC), we are approaching the establishment of common standards, starting with the sector of batteries for electric vehicles. This is possible also thanks to the boost of the European Commission.

Some parameters subject to standardisation

The are various parameters subject of the standardization. Only the most significant are indicated below:

» Capacity of a battery

An essential parameter to consider when comparing different types of batteries it the total electric Charge involved in the electrochemical reaction. The c-rate is commonly used as a parameter.

Meaning the multiple of the capacity that can be discharged in an hour (for example 1c for a 10ah Battery means that it is possible to obtain a current of 10a for one hour).

» Capacity to keep the charge

It expresses the charge loss of the battery when it is has not been used for a long period of time.
The situation may determine the real functioning of a parked car, or the accumulation of the battery of a storage system in the warehouse.

» Energy efficiency

Energy efficiency is defined as the ratio between the net energy developed by the battery during a discharge test and the total energy required to return to the initial charge level.

The conditions to to which it is important specify the test are the actual object of the standardization that we are trying to operate. For example, these may involve the indication of the power profile during the test, the initial charge status, the temperature, etc …

» Duration of the battery

Surely another crucial point of research and standardization is the life of the batteries, which plays a significant role, that also connects with safety. The performance of a battery is reduced both by the use and by aging, which are influenced in turn by various factors such as temperature, current, operating voltage limits and thermal management.

All these parameters, together with others that have not been named (such as nominal power, peak power, etc.), are considered in the process of unification and standardization. They are still in progress and will then constitute the measure to evaluate batteries in an effective way.

According to European waste legislation, maximum attention must be paid to preventing the production of waste.

The concepts of:
» re-use,
» reconversion,
» recycling,
» at the end disposal.