Tigo platform - piattaforma tigo

Tigo platform and SMA: module level monitoring

SMA through the Tigo platform meets all system requirements, whether it is simple monitoring at the module level but also shutdown it for security reasons imposed by firefighters but even if the energy performance is influenced by various orientations or shadows on some modules.

Tigo platform solutions for every module’s needs

With the Tigo platform each module can be equipped with the Smart technology that serves it.

The substantial difference between traditional systems and Tigo’s Smart Module TS4 technology is right here, only the “problematic” module will be equipped with the appropriate electronics so you only install the function that actually serves without waste of time and money and therefore with a best return on the investment.

The Tigo TS4 platform is developed in three solutions that adapt to the individual need and thanks to the replaceable covers you can modify the system quickly and easily.

The Smart Cover are:
• Module monitoring (blue cover)
• Electrical module power / off switch (red cover)
• Optimization (yellow cover)

So that you can have the most effective solution at the lowest cost for new system or in retrofit.

Easy and fast to install

The Tigo TS4 electronics are plugged into all modules easily and quickly with the use of just one screwdriver even directly on site with lower logistic costs and lower installation time.

The Smart Module SMA solution Tigo TS4, in addition to the power electronics, has two additional components needed: the gateway for wireless connectivity of up to 120 TS4 devices and Cloud Connect, which allows data collected from the gateway and send to the Sunny Portal, so you have control the situation everywhere.

The Smart Module Tigo TS4 system is perfect for coupling with SMA inverters because of the maximum flexibility these inverters offer thanks to the wide range of input voltages and multiple MPPT trackers, you can also meet the most complex roofs with shadows and multiple orientations so as to provide flexible, quality and fair price solutions, thus guaranteeing maximum plant profitability.

The 3 focal points of the Smart Module Tigo TS4 Solution are: more flexibility thanks to the 3 devices that only do what is needed for that particular module, greater yield thanks to optimization and lower costs since I purchase and install only what I need.

At the following link you will find a useful video on how to install:

Discover Tigo Optimizers