Advantages of storage

Solar & storage is the perfect combination to ensure that the supply of energy from a solar source can fully meet our needs.

The storage can be used both in a distributed and localized manner; this means that it can be used both by single users or a distribution network.

Storage represents an important and flexible tool

From the point of view of energy systems, storage represents an important and flexible tool for the following reasons:

  • absorbs and delivers power very quickly, in an accurate way;
  • attenuates the short-term variability (peaks);
  • makes solar energy completely usable;
  • allows you to store energy when prices are low and sell it at peak times;
  • avoids expensive upgrades of distribution networks.

Storage systems give the opportunity to reduce peaks significantly and stabilize the network

Storage can also provide additional services to the electricity grid (which at the moment is designed to only manage energy demand).

In fact, nowadays, it also has to support distributed generation and peak power input to the grid. Storage systems give the opportunity to reduce peaks significantly and stabilize the network (frequency stabilization).

Storage enters in building’s calculations.

As a matter of fact, UNI is developing a project that will take into consideration the presence of storage systems during the energetic performance calculation of a building.

This will give a measure of performance of PV, combined with storage and thus advantages for the user.

Technology in batteries

The new frontier of storage research focuses on solidstate technology, which involves the use of an electrolyte made up of polymers, glass or ceramic.

This is because liquid electrolyte lithium ion batteries are now reaching the limit of their development capacity, failing at the same time to guarantee optimal results in relation to the needs.

Guide and Storage map 2021

With the publication of the Storage Guide, the new Storage Map has also been updated and integrated.

We are talking about a comparative table that groups the main solutions for the storage of photovoltaic energy available on the European market.