Thanks to the photovoltaic market growth, VP Solar renewed its set of photovoltaic modules, launching the new pricelist for 2021. The photovoltaic modules offered include different technologies and panels of
SHARP: a broad portfolio of products
The SHARP brand presents a wide range of photovoltaic modules suitable for every application, from monocrystalline to polycrystalline. Poly or mono, what is the best choice in Europe? Sharp
Kioto Solar modules Pure 60 mono and polycrystalline
Kioto Solar, Austrian leader company in the solar energy and energy efficiency market for 25 years, boasts a production capacity of 150 MW of photovoltaics. KIOTO Photovoltaics produces high quality
SolarWorld Panels: new brand Real Value
SolarWorld for many years is well known in the market for its quality, reliability and sustainability. Values that today have been improved even more strongly with the new brand REAL