Projects and movements to protect the environment

There were many testimonies at the ONU world conference on climate in Katowice COP24.

Among these, the one that left the most mark was the testimony of Greta Thumberg, who unleashed “Fridays for Future” protest movements against climate change in the world.

The message of Greta Thumberg:

The current growth and development model, based of exploitation and overconsumption of natural resources, puts in knee the worldwide climate.

We must “decarbonise” our energy production by substituting fossil fuels with renewable energy sources, adopt new systems of waste disposal and reduce plastic pollution.

These are fundamental steps in order to reach a sustainable economic and social development.

This line of thought drives thousands of people that protest worldwide pushing governments to keep the agreements established in Paris (2015) and the Kyoto protocol (2005).

Protesters are encouraged by the ample of Greta Thumberg, a 15 year-old Swedish activist, who every Friday morning protest revolt against climate changes in form to the Swedish parliament.

VIP activism

There are a lot of VIP that everyday, through their public image and popularity, express their dissent against climate changes; from Arnold Schwarzenegger to Meryl Streep, who is committed to protecting the environment from pesticides.

Another famous activist character is surely Leonardo Di Caprio, who other than being a simple activist, is also the patron of the “Di Caprio Foundation”, which supports climate change resilience projects.

Leonardo Di Caprio: Before the Flood

Di Caprio and National Geographic produced a documentary called “Before the Flood”, which highlights the urgency to intervene in this sense.

A report of dramatic events that everyday occur worldwide due to climate changes. Interviewees include Barack Obama, John Kerry and Pope Francisco.