The REpowerEU is the European action plan for energy. In fact, the recent Russian military aggression against Ukraine and the consequent tensions with the Russian government have highlighted the deep
VP Solar B-Smart Energy Tour Survey
VP Solar B-Smart Energy Tour ended up successfully after touching 9 Italian cities. Started on September 27th in Padua till 13th October in Parma. 14 Partners and more than 200
Plan for green energy in Romania
With its plan for green energy, Romania aims to satisfy the guidelines established by the European Commission, in particular, linked to the provisions of the “Clean Energy for All Europeans”
Plan for green energy in Spain
With the new plan for green energy, Spain has outlined a series of strategies, in order to be able to reach the binding target of the European Union for 2030
Plan for green energy in Portugal
With its plan for green energy, Portugal wants to strengthen the renewable energy sector, promoting the decarbonisation of electricity and heat/cooling production. At the same time, this country aims to
A plan for green energy in Finland
Finland, with its plan for green energy, wants to further increase the impact of renewable energies on gross final energy consumption. RES in Finland, a reference point for Europe At
Plan for green energy in Hungary
Hungary, a member country of UE, has experienced a significant growth in the renewable energy sector throughout the recent years. Regarding to this, according to Eurostat data, the share of
Plan for green energy in United Kingdom
The UK’s plan for green energy introduces a series of objectives that could track the road to replace carbon-fueled with renewable energy resources. In this regard, one of them is
Plan for green energy in Denmark
Denmark is one of the member countries that has implemented its plan for green energy in order to reach the European Commission’s targets by 2030. This country actually didn’t set
Plan for green energy in Slovakia
In the last few months, Slovakia has sent to the European Commission, its plan for green energy. This could outline the road to follow to reach the targets that the