One million systems monitored by SolarEdge

SolarEdge celebrates the doubling of the monitored systems in two years only, reaching 1.000.000 photovoltaic systems.

It sizes upon this occasion for inviting everyone: installers, partners and owners of implants to share their own experience with the SolarEdge monitoring portal.

Shown below what they write:

We want to say thank you to all of you – installers, partners, owners of implants and all the solar community for having achieved this goal.
It took us 7 years to reach our first 500.000 monitored systems and 2 years only to double them!
The aim itself  is so moving, but what really matters is the role that you played!
By working together, we reduced our utility bills but we also reduced the general carbon footprint and the fossil fuel addiction!

The stories of these million systems can be followed on the SolarEdge social channels with the #OneMillionMonitored hashtag.

Cooperate and share the story of your implant too

To celebrate 1.000.000 monitored photovoltaic systems, SolarEdge would love to hear about YOUR story and that of all the installers and the worldwide solar community!

They would like to receive from you a video (30 seconds or less) where you tell how the SolarEdge monitoring system has helped you and the PV business of your company, how it revealed being a plus for your customers, in which way it has helped you to efficiently manage the implant or how it has been a support in the sales process.

A selection of videos will be used for the #OneMillionMonitored campaign: SHARE A VIDEO